I've described this patch of Prague real estate as a culinary wasteland. But it's so easy to be negative. Let's be positive today. It's award season. Let's give out an award. (Drum roll) "Ladies and gentleman, the Golden Stool for best fast food ... Modrý zub Noodle Bar at Jindřišská 5!" (Cue music and applause) I know a lot of people who have eaten at Modrý zub, which means "(The) Blue Tooth." I asked them what they thought. Their reviews were mixed -- not very positive, ...
The kitchen has fridge, gas cooker and microwave. Street parking. 3x rent deposit, including commission RK. The price is final. Excellent transport links and amenities Price per month: 12 000 CZK. Contact: Jindřišská 17 Praha 1 110 00 ...
H&M has opened two stores in central Prague, on Na príkope and Jindrišská. There's nothing else like Parizska Street in Prague: from Herm?s to Dior, the five-block-long boutique-studded avenue is Prague's own shopping paradise. ... of Celeina on Prague's east bank has several opportunities for shopping, including Celetná Crystal (No. 15). Many stores will pack and send your purchases free of charge to local hotels so you don't have to carry breakables around with you. ...